A growing number of parishes and schools in the Diocese of Sacramento offer, or are preparing to offer, the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. For contact information and other details on the various CGS Atria in the diocese, zoom in on the map below to click the icons.

Each parish or school administers its own catechesis programs. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Greater Sacramento is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that offers catechist training and support, and administers the Greater Sacramento Atrium in Elverta as a ministry of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament Parish.

"Almost all (religious education textbooks) seem to have been written . . . for the express purpose of boring people away from the Faith . . . the only way really to learn an answer is to ask a question. There is nothing more dead and irrelevant than an answer to a question that has never been asked."

Peter Kreeft, Yes or No? Straight Answers to Tough Questions About Christianity

Ignatius Press, 1991


On April 5 we will host an introductory workshop for prospective catechists and others who want to learn more about CGS. For details click here.


Click here to apply to participate in the Greater Sacramento Atrium in Elverta in 2025-26. 


Participants in the Greater Sacramento Atrium can click here for documents.