Catechist Formation Training


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Greater Sacramento is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes CGS in the Diocese of Sacramento. Some formation trainings are offered directly by CGS Greater Sacramento, while others are offered by individual parishes or schools. Each course involves about 100 hours of training, usually spread over about a year, sometimes longer. After the first twelve hours of training, catechists have enough formation to begin working with children in an Atrium. Catechists must be certified in Level 1 (catechesis for 3-6 year olds) before training in Level 2 (6-9 year olds). Note that all trainings are contingent upon a sufficient number of enrollees.


 Formation Courses Offered by CGS Greater Sacramento

Level Schedule Location
Level 1 Summer  2023 - Spring 2025 Sacramento (Elverta)


"In catechesis . . . it is Christ alone Who teaches.

Anyone else teaches to the extent that he is Christ's spokesman."

Catechism of the Catholic Church # 427



On April 5 we will host an introductory workshop for prospective catechists and others who want to learn more about CGS. For details click here.


Click here to apply to participate in the Greater Sacramento Atrium in Elverta in 2025-26. 


Participants in the Greater Sacramento Atrium can click here for documents.