"What is communicated in catechesis is not a body of conceptual truths,

but the mystery of the living God."

John Paul II, Catechesi Tradendae


Contact us to learn how the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd can help your children, your parish and you to grow in Christ's Love. If you wish to reach a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium at a specific parish or school in the Diocese of Sacramento, click here to see a directory.

By phone: 916-910-3435

By email:

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Important - This form may not work properly in some browsers. If, after hitting the "Send" button, you don't see a confirmation message on the next screen, please contact us at admin@youngsheep.org or at 916-910-3435.


On April 5 we will host an introductory workshop for prospective catechists and others who want to learn more about CGS. For details click here.


Click here to apply to participate in the Greater Sacramento Atrium in Elverta in 2025-26. 


Participants in the Greater Sacramento Atrium can click here for documents.